This is My Country
by Ingetje Tadros

Copyright 2016 FotoEvidence. All rights reserved.
Photographs: Copyright© 2016 Ingetje Tadros
Introduction: Copyright© 2016 Ingetje Tadros
Three Graves in a Row: Copyright© 2016 Gerry Georgatos
A Lucky Country and a Fair Go: Copyright© Dr. Anne Poelina
Stolen Generation: Copyright© Ken Riddiford
Photo Editor: Régina Monfort
Text Editor: David Stuart
Design: Mark Weinberg
First ediion
ISBN: 978-0-9963912-5-2
This Is My Country looks at people standing on the precipice of life: disenfranchised, neglected and now threatened with displacement. It is a permanent record intended to bring attention to the plight of Aboriginal communities under threat. It will serve as a call to Australian society to support their First People and end the displacement of their communities.
This Is My Country is a hard cover book of 120 pages with 70 black and white photographs and texts from Aboriginal academics and activists. It is printed in a hardbound edition on 170 gsm paper at Ofset Yapimevi in Istanbul where all of FotoEvidence's high quality books are produced.
Ingetje Tadros project This is My Country was awarded with the Walkley Award for Excellence in Photojournalism -Feature Photographic Essay- 2015 (the Australian equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize), the Amnesty International Media Awards 2015, photography, Best Feature Photographic Essay at the West Australian Media Awards 2015, the Exposure Award, digital display at The Louvre in Paris 2015 and the 2016 Prix d'Ani at Visa Pour L'Image.